Olympic Training Center – Colorado Springs
Hey everyone its Dr. Joseph Vear your Denver Chiropractor, I wanted to share a great experience I had getting to work alongside some amazing individualizes at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. It was truly one of the coolest and mind blowing experiences I have ever got to witness in my life and I owe a special thanks to my good buddy Brandon Sikael, new friends Heather Linden and Dr. Dustin Nabhan for making it all happen. I have got to experience a once in a life time opportunity working alongside some of the most brilliant minds in their professions in athletic care, injury treatment and rehabilitation.

While at the center I had the opportunity to participate in some ground breaking research that is being done by Dr. Dustin Nabhan on hamstring tendon length and its possible implication on susceptibility to tear utilizing diagnostic ultrasound. I also had the pleasure to experience first hand the day to day operations that go on at the Colorado training facility and how to properly and effectively care for Olympic level athletes. It is safe to say that without the hard work and dedication of our USA medical staff, that we as a nation would not be where we are today as the most dominate and well recognized country every recorded in USA Olympic history, this past RIO summer Olympics. The following pictures are just a snapshot into my amazing experience at the Olympic Training Center here at Colorado Springs.