Hey Denver exciting news for the month of April, at Denver University (Magnus Arena) your Denver Chiropractor Dr. Joseph Vear will be providing care for the local community at the Wolfpack Ninja Tour. This is the first time they have had this event in Denver and if you are a fan of the hit TV show American Ninja Warrior this is an amazing opportunity to see some of the best in the business compete. This event will also include obstetrical courses for the kids and all age groups for competition, with 30,000 dollars of prizes given away as well WOW!!!!
The event will be held on April 29-30th and it will be a wonderful experience for you and the family so set your calendar and plan on making it to the first annual Wolfpack Ninja Tour event right here in Denver. Below I have attached more information about the event and some promotional videos for you to check out.

Here is the event webpage which links directly where attendees can buy tickets: http://wolfpackninjas.com/wolfpack-ninja-tour/
Here is a partnership video with Positive Coaching Alliance (great mission): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAneu8DWZV4&feature=youtu.be
Here is a lego promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHpDmInuYBQ